Why the Government Legislating Immorality Against the Divine Ordained Institution by God - Part I

Jun 20, 2022    Louis Felicia Dixon Numan

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama.

Original, True, Divine Love is between a heterosexual man and woman.

Today we are discussing the three institutions (Marriage & Family; Government; Church) and how the Government is overlapping into other institutions. Instead of each institution performing at the most superior purpose that it was created by God to fulfill… The Government should not be rearranging the Church Responsibilities and the Doctrine of the Church. The Government should not be replacing the mother, father, nor children. The Government is “dumping” money into to programs to create chaos and provide platforms for children to go against God’s Original Plan. The Government is funding “death programs for children to die at an early age”, and perpetuation this abomination and fraud through “Parental Alienation” programs. The Government is providing “safe spaces” for children to go against God, Family, and the Church. We at the USCOG call this “The Great Divide from the Devil”.

We Also discussed the following: Jessica Konen’s 12-year-old daughter was manipulated by her schoolteachers to believe that she was a boy trapped in a girl's body....
The Center for American Liberty has initiated legal action against the school on behalf of Jessica Konen. Jessica and her Attorney Harmin Dillon had the opportunity to go on Fox News to discuss our case with Laura Ingraham.

“Leave our Children Alone” This is the worst “Child Trafficking” known to man.
You think you commit to lying on The Word of God and the output will be good. The devil is a lie.

A man cannot and will not never, ever be a woman.

Louis Felicia are descendants of the late Rev. J. D. (Lucile)Hunter who was a member of the Courageous Eight, who initiated a letter and petitioned for to the late Dr. Martin L. King Jr along with another Courageous Eight Member the late Marie Foster to start the Original Civil Rights Movement. We have been severely persecuted in the name of Jesus Christ and for Blacks to have their God Given Rights.

In the meantime, We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).

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