Revenge/Wrath Is A Part Of God's Original & Divine Plan - Part IV
We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.
Original, True, Divine Love is between a heterosexual man and woman. Now the Government has decided that this type of love that was ordained by God can exist between same sex (two men adopting a child). Today we will continue to discuss and concentrate on the Black Heterosexual, Nuclear Family Marriage/Family and how the Government has destroyed it through legislative policies.
We will continue to discuss Justice from God is bringing your enemies to their knees and they will pay for the evil they have brought upon you, your children, and your families.
Whatever you do will come back to you. God designed the world this way and we have to understand the mechanism and follow the Word of God. You will not be mislead or deceived unless you have nefarious purposes concerning the Word of God.
Min. Dr. Felicia M. Numan is in prayer about running for Congress......
Contact Info:
Twitter: @ServeRChildren
Twitter: @uscogi
Facebook: louisfelicianuman
Facebook: @ServeRChildren
Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice
Facebook: @uscogi
Phone: [725] 274-3199
The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m.
Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m
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